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Why is my Water Softener Making a Loud Hissing Noise?

If your water softener is making a loud hissing noise, there may be something causing it. This post will explore the reasons why and how you can fix the problem so that your water softener stops making this annoying sound.

A water softener is a device that is installed in the home to remove the minerals from water. We will explore what could be causing your water softener to make a loud hissing noise and how you can fix it so that the problem goes away.

Why Is My Water Softener Making a hissing noise?

There are many reasons why your water softener is making such annoying noise when running. For example, when the water softener goes through its regeneration process and attempts to draw the brine solution from the brine tank, it may also draw more air into the brine line, making a hissing noise.

Water softener hissing noises can also be generated by worn valves, warning sirens, failed motors, pistons or valves sticking, damaged gears, fractures in connections or hoses, or inappropriate water pressure entering the system.

A loud water softener can be caused by calcium or magnesium accumulation on the intake valves, attempting to utilize water during the regeneration cycle, air check mechanism faults, and loose gears. The noise, however, might just be the sound of the water softener’s motor during the regeneration process and not a technical issue at all.

Also, if your water softener has been recently installed, it may be making an unusual noise. This makes sense since installers usually turn on the unit for a few minutes to make sure everything is working properly and before turning it off again.

The noise will stop when the regenerations cycle ends because there’s no need for backwash at this point in time; however, if you continue to hear hissing after this point, then your filters likely need replacing or cleaning out.

Water softeners make a variety of noises, and although most are harmless, others are warning signs that something is wrong in the near future.

Now, let’s look at some of the possible causes of water softeners making loud or high pitch screeching noises.

Causes of Frequent Hissing Sounds in Water Softeners

If your water softener is making a loud hissing or screeching sound while running, here are some causes:

1. Different sounds during the regeneration process

There are many different sounds that a water softener can make when it is regenerating. Some of the most common are noise, bubbles, gurgling, hissing, and thumping. Different regeneration steps will produce different noises.

2. First backwash cycle noise

Water softeners can make a hissing noise during the first backwash cycle. This is because they attract air when regenerating, causing bubbles of gas to be released from the water.

3. Second backwash noise

There are two backwash sounds that a water softener may make: the first sound is when it purifies your water, and the second sound is when it regenerates. If you hear a loud hissing noise from your unit, this could be because there’s something wrong with its regeneration system.

4. Brine rinse cycle noise

The brine rinse cycle is the most time-consuming and longest of the three cycles. It requires a lot of salt to dissolve, which can lead to an extended cycle noise that can be quite loud.

5. Hardness build-up inside inlets

Water softeners use a process called ion exchange to remove the hard minerals in the water. The build-up of these minerals within the system can cause loud hissing or buzzing sounds when they are removed from the system.

Hard minerals can accumulate inside the inlets of water softeners. The buildup is caused by hard mineral deposits on plumbing surfaces, which results in a solid build-up that can cause an obstruction to flow or even affect function.

6. Low water stress

A high salt level in the water tank is what causes frequent hissing noise in softeners. Low water stress occurs when there is little or no pressure in the resin bed and clogged filters. This condition can be remedied by increasing pressure to a certain level, which will cause more liquid to pass through the filter.

7. Due to crack in tubing or becoming

A water softener may hiss or make a noise when it is running due to the following reasons:

  • the unit has been damaged and needs repair
  • there is a crack in the tubing that leaks air into the system
  • air bubbles enter from outside of the unit

8. Control valve produce noise

The hissing noise in water softeners is caused by the control valve. Water softeners have a number of moving parts, such as a mechanical motor. These sounds are usually caused by the control valve.

How do I stop my water softener from making noise?

If you notice an unusual noise coming from your water softener, pay close attention to determine where it is coming from. Hopefully, it will be simple to identify and correct.

To begin, if your softener tank is producing noise, disconnect the system and observe if the noise ceases. If the sound goes away when you disconnect it, it might be a problem with your water intake system. A broken or worn out seal, or a grinding motor, might be the cause.

If the noise persists after unplugging the device, there might be a leak in the water supply or regeneration line. It’s conceivable that a seal or connector in the pipe has worn out and needs to be replaced.

If the noise occurs at random intervals, your system may just be aerating and rejuvenating the water in the system. During periods of low consumption, it is common for water softeners to renew the system.

Furthermore, if your home’s water pressure is low or only enough for routine use, flushing a toilet or turning on a shower may cause the connections to your water softener to shift or the valves to stick.

If this is a recurring issue, it might be caused by a blocked sediment filter or a faulty pressure tank. If feasible, replace the water-sediment filter cartridge in your filter housing with a high micron cartridge. The greater the micron rating, the less pressure is lost when the filter is used.

To give the finest water flow with the biggest filtering surface area, I frequently recommend utilizing a 30 – 50-micron pleated polyester filter. Finally, if you are unable to resolve the hissing sounds from your water softener on your own, contact your local plumber.

Hi Guys, Mike is a Mechanical Engineer who specializes in Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning. His love for humanity and his profession propels him to share useful and factual Information on this blog.

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