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Can You Put Hot Water In a Brita Filter?

Chlorine, a few metals, and sediment can be removed with Brita filters, however, the process is temperature-dependent. Putting boiling water in a Brita filter may seem appealing, but resist the urge. The higher temperature can damage the filter, and because boiling water has a lot of dissolved particles in it, Brita filters will need to be replaced more often.

Can You Use Brita Filter Hot Water? Don’t put boiling water in a Brita filter. You should never put hot water in a Brita filter because the materials used to make it cannot bear that heat. In fact, you shouldn’t even let the tap run when it’s turned into a faucet. The Brita filter is designed to remove impurities from tap water. The filter has a maximum temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit, so hot water cannot be used with the filter.

According to Brita, hot water should not be put in their filters. This is because the heat can damage the filter and possibly cause it to fail prematurely. Additionally, you shouldn’t fill up your pitcher with cold water before putting it on a heating device like an electric kettle or microwave as this could also result in premature filter failure.

Whether you can put hot water in a Brita filter or not depends on the model of your faucet and whether it is an aerator-style faucet, as the filter won’t fit under those.

What happens if you use hot water in a Brita filter?

Brita claims that using hot water in a pitcher, faucet, or dispenser damages the filtration system. As a result, your water filtration will be compromised, and you’ll have to buy a new filter cartridge or upgrade your complete filter system.

Let’s take a look at how Brita filters water before we get into why hot water harms it.

An ion exchange resin and activated carbon filter is used in most Brita filters. Water flows through the cartridge, which contains the activated carbon. Adsorption, a chemical process, removes contaminants from the solution.

Particles attached to the surface of the adsorbing substance, in this case, the carbon column, a phenomenon known as adsorption. The difference between this and absorption is that the particles aren’t absorbed into the column; instead, they just adhere to the material’s surface.

This occurs as a result of the negatively charged activated carbon sites. Negatively charged carbon ions attract positively charged metal contaminants in water (such as lead and mercury).

This can be compared to a magnetic response if you choose. The carbon filter functions like a magnet, drawing contaminants like iron filings to its surface.

Carbon filters, which use a chemical process known as redox to remove chlorine from the water, are also effective at doing so. To remove the chlorine ions, agitation is used in conjunction with a carbon-chlorine reaction.

The adsorption rate decreases with increasing water temperature. This is because contaminants are less likely to stick to the carbon surface when it is hot. As a result, more contaminants may likely bypass the filtration system and end up in the water you drink.

Running hot water through a carbon filter that has previously only been exposed to cold water puts you at danger of dislodging contaminants that have already been filtered and are now adhered to the carbon’s surface.

As a result, even if you use a water filter, the water may still be contaminated.

Impurities are removed from water by filters that use carbon blocks or granular activated carbon. The fine mesh of these filters is also harmed by heat. Carbon particles might leak into the filtered water if the filter meshes become ripped.

What right water temperature for Brita filters?

Brita filters are intended for use with either cold or hot water. They can be used in any temperature range, but Brita recommends using the filter with cold water if it is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

Brita water filters can filter water at temperatures ranging from 85 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. There is some leeway depending on the precise type of filter. Here’s a rundown of the many varieties of Brita filters and the water temperatures they can withstand.

varieties of Brita filters and the water temperatures

Using hot water in a Brita carbon filter does not harm the filter’s ability to remove pollutants, according to a Brita article. However, water that is too hot (over 200 degrees Fahrenheit) can damage the carbon-containing housing.

When using Brita carbon filters in hot or cold water, the filtration capacity will not be affected by the average water temperature in a household.

What type of Water filter can be used on hot water?

Are there any hot water filters that may be used?

Sand, silt, and debris can be removed from hot water using thermoplastic sediment filters. Polyester and stainless-steel mesh frames are available for these filters.

To get rid of the sediment, they apply the mechanical filtering concept. Unlike a coffee filter, impure water must be forced through physical filters to remove the suspended particles and sediments.

Carbon filters are useful for removing chlorine compounds from hot water. These filters are made to be efficient even in high temperatures. When it comes to hot water filters, stay away from generic carbon filters.


Woven polypropylene or polyester is used to make several water filters, including reverse osmosis membranes. When polypropylene or polyester water filters are exposed to hot water, the weave loosens, lowering the filter’s efficacy. Hot water has less of an effect on wound natural string or cellulose filters.

If you’ve exposed your Brita water filters to hot water, it doesn’t necessarily indicate they’re no longer useful. Most of the time, unless exposed to it for an extended period of time, a home’s hot water is not hot enough to damage a water filter.

Hi Guys, Mike is a Mechanical Engineer who specializes in Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning. His love for humanity and his profession propels him to share useful and factual Information on this blog.

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