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Why is there a green slime in my Water Filter?

Does your water filter have green slime growing in it? Learn why there is a green slime in some filters and how to prevent it from happening again.

Why is there a green slime in my water filter? If you see a green slime in your water filter, it is most likely algae. Algae can clog up the pores in the water filter and cause problems when it starts to grow inside of the machine. If these filters are not cleaned regularly or thoroughly, they may become damaged and break down.

Public water systems, especially in warm climates and during hot weather, can contain low levels of algae. This green slime may come from a variety of sources including the municipal system’s intake pipe.

It may look like just another harmless growth, but if left untreated this tiny creature could cause serious trouble for your septic system and other household appliances such as air conditioners, washing machines, and dishwashers.

Algae blooms are most common in the hot summer months and they can cause a number of issues for individuals and businesses. Algal blooms can be harmful to animals, people, or property. Additionally, algae blooms usually come from water that is high in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. The green slime in your water filter may also come from an algae bloom.

How to clean a filter that has had algae growing in it

If you have a filter that has algae growing in it, the steps for how to clean it are as follows:

1. Clean off any residue from the outside of the tank with a putty knife or other implement using hot water and dish soap (if possible).

2. Rinse out your filtration system thoroughly with fresh tap water.

3. Drain and refill your filtered water tank according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Check to see if the problem persists and repeat as needed (if necessary).

You might have to do this a few times before it goes away completely. It is important that you clean the inside of your filter tank because algae will grow in there too if you don’t.

How to Avoid Green Algae in your Water Pitcher

You can avoid those green slimes growing you your Brita, PUR, ZeroWater pitcher filters by following the tips below:

1. Always Wash Your Hands and Water Filter before Use

Wash your hands before using the pitcher so you don’t get green slime in it. Then, rinse the filter under cold water for 15 seconds.

Always wash your hands with soap and water before use. Additionally, you should filter the water using a pitcher or by boiling it for one minute to eliminate harmful bacteria that can cause illness.

2. Keep a Tight Seal on the Top

If the lid of the pitcher is not tight, it allows bacteria or viruses to grow. To avoid green slime in your Brita or PUR filter pitcher, follow these 10 steps:

  • Fill up the pitcher with cold water and let it sit for at least 5 minutes before putting it on top of the filter
  • Before placing a new cartridge into an old one, make sure you remove all residue from both cartridges by rinsing them off
  • If mold develops on your cartridge, do not use it; replace it immediately.

3. Ensure the Brita Pitcher Refrigerated

Brita is a brand of water filtration system that can help improve your health by filtering recycled wastewater. If you have a Brita filtered pitcher with an internal filter, make sure it’s refrigerated to avoid algae and bacteria from growing in the reservoir.

The Brita Pitcher Refrigerated system will be recycled wastewater and the amount of industrial filtration is not 100% effective before it goes from faucet to mouth.

4. Ensure not to Drink Directly From Spout!

Brita and PUR filters are designed to remove dirt, chlorine, and other impurities from the water. However, if they don’t filter out green algae or bacteria in time, these contaminants will end up back into your drinking water. When you notice a green slime in your pitcher’s spout, it is most likely because there was not enough filtering time left before that point.

To avoid this problem:

  • Don’t drink from the sprout
  • Change your filter more often (about every 2 months).
  • Use the Brita Hard Sided Pitcher. It has a longer filtering time than other pitchers, so it is less likely that green algae will build up.
  • When you fill the pitcher, make sure to use cold water which is less likely to contain impurities.

5. Ensure to Change Your Water Filter Often

Filter pitchers can increase their lifespan by changing the filters on a regular basis. However, algae and bacteria can grow in your pitcher if you don’t change it regularly. Here are some helpful tips on how to avoid green slime in your water filter:

  • Change the filter every 40 gallons or 2 months
  • Keep your pitcher out of bright sunlight and heat sources for at least 8 hours each day
  • Add a carbon cartridge when you change the filter

6. Switching To Zero Water Filters and Pitchers

Brita and PUR filter pitchers are susceptible to green slime. It can be expensive, but it is a good idea to make the switch from Brita or PUR filters to Zero Water filters and pitchers.

If you want to switch your household with a filter that does not need replacement, the Zero Water pitcher is an excellent choice. This filtration system has five steps and reduces the risk of green algae, mold, black charcoal particles, sediment, and stains in water.

How to test for algae in RV water tanks

In order to test for algae in your RV water tanks, you need a kit that can detect it. Insta Test 3 Plus is a kit that sells for $8.95 and has test strips to indicate the presence of algae or chlorine levels in the water.

In order to test for algae in your water tank, you can use a green slime from the RV supply store. This will let you know if there are any algae present but it’s much cheaper than using beach solution and does not require a UV light or microscope.

The copper-based algaecides are safe for the water tanks, but they can also be corrosive to clothing if spilled. Therefore, it is important not to spill them on anything else.

Is green algae in Brita pitcher harmful?

A green slime in your water filter is harmful, so you need to take it out. You should empty your water filter if there is slime in the container at any time, as it may be harmful and will only get worse over time. If you see slime in your Brita water filter, it means that bacteria is growing and will only get worse if left untreated.


As you probably know, many water filters in the US and Canada are built with a carbon filter, which is made of coconut charcoal. While we applaud the effort to introduce this type of filter in the US, we still think it’s better to use reverse osmosis (RO) filtration system.

Here’s why:

Carbon filters remove many contaminants, but they also remove useful contaminants like chlorine and fluoride. However, RO systems remove only dissolved minerals, which are more difficult to remove. Also, the more tannins are removed, the more you are likely to experience an unpleasant taste or even foul odors, especially if your water contains some mineral salts.

Hi Guys, Mike is a Mechanical Engineer who specializes in Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning. His love for humanity and his profession propels him to share useful and factual Information on this blog.

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